Smart India Hackathon 2020 Online Edition - Winners
Problem Statement ID Organization Winning Team Leader Name
Banaras Hindu University
AK10 Airports Authority of India AwesomeCase Pranav Kushwaha
AK11 Airports Authority of India TECH HACKERS PRERNA
AK12 Airports Authority of India Pentiumreboot Suman Chakraborty
AK13 Airports Authority of India CSEGECCD2K21 U. Lekha Sree
AK14 Airports Authority of India Matroid Pushpit Jain
AK15 Airports Authority of India Kainotomous Vaibhav Andhare
AK16 Airports Authority of India Technoturners Manmeet Kaur
AK9 Airports Authority of India AgainstTheCurrent Aaditya Mankar
BML Munjal University
AD357 Education department Gujarat Ctrl_Alt_Defeat Abhishek Raghuvanshi
AG50 Department of Scientific and Industrial Resea Creative_beings Kiran Kumar potnuru
DK287 Yamaha Motor Solution India Pvt Ltd The D-Team Ashitabh Misra
AD358 Education department Gujarat TORUK MACTO BAVIYA S
Central Academy for Police Training (CAPT)
RK55 Bureau For Police Research & development CipherCops Mansi Sawant
RK54 Bureau For Police Research & development The Shield 2.0 Vipin Yadav
RK57 Bureau For Police Research & development X-Legion Coders Ankita Satapathy
RK310 Bureau For Police Research & development Team Probably Karan Ajay Sheth
RK311 Bureau For Police Research & development InfoWise Anubhav Saha
RK312 Bureau For Police Research & development Virtual Lords Ritvik Dayal Joint Winners
Inceptra Prashant
Chandigarh Engineering College, (CGC) Landran
AP63 Bajaj Fin Serv Hack_O\'_Holics Tanush Maddiwar
CH46 Bajaj Fin Serv Transformers_ Aishwarya Nayak
MS450 Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd Int Elligent Shreya Singh
PC87 Department of Atomic Energy W H I T E R O S E Yash Singh
VA47 Bajaj Fin Serv Carboxy Blessin George Varghese
Chandigarh University Punjab
MK205 Ministry of Rural Development Altruist Saksham Raghuvanshi
MK207 Ministry of Rural Development The Prodigies 2020 SINDHU
MK206 Ministry of Rural Development Error=404 Rishabh Dhiman
Chitkara University
CK146 Dte of IT & Cyber Security, DRDO Technogeeks Nupur Kulkarni
CK139 Dte of IT & Cyber Security, DRDO ORCA Rohan
CK108 Dte of IT & Cyber Security, DRDO Bits nd Bytes Jay Mehta
CK116 Dte of IT & Cyber Security, DRDO FLASH_UNVEIL ED Rohit Pratap Singh
CK107 Dte of IT & Cyber Security, DRDO HOUSTON Vikash Garg
CMR College of Engineering & Technology
KB189 Government of Andhra Pradesh Tirants Jeyaram T
KB141 Government of Andhra Pradesh team_envyus Kushan Mehta
KB185 Government of Andhra Pradesh Zliq Rahul Raj K
KB194 Government of Andhra Pradesh Atulya Dhananjay Jaydeep Kshirsagar
KB186 Government of Andhra Pradesh Tesseractpy Hiren Nitin Shukla
KB145 Government of Andhra Pradesh Editha Abhishek
PJ240 Ministry of Communications CoDicts KISHOR SIDHAPPA SHIVSHARAN
PJ234 Ministry of Communications Game of Codes MAAZ AMAN SHAHED SHAIKH
UK151 ARAI Byteenergizer Krishnaprasad C
PJ239 Ministry of Communications Area51 Hari Krishnan D R
UK149 ARAI Pied Piper Geeks Adwait Bhope
PJ235 Ministry of Communications TECHCREATOR S Shievani R
Galgotias University
MS337 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Compile_Error Mario Jones Vimal S A
MS339 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Nexas Sourav Mishra
MS338 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Digital Fortress Gayatri Prakash Patil
MS340 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Alpha_tech Harshanaa
MS342 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh SIX_FOLD Mildeep Singh Pahwa
GIET University
AR244 National Jute Board, Min of Textiles Clueless Clan Ashay Changwani
AR245 National Jute Board, Min of Textiles Tech Bugs Vaishnavi Bhavagna Kancharla
AR247 National Jute Board, Min of Textiles Missing Semicolon Shri Saran Raj N
AR250 National Jute Board, Min of Textiles VERSATILE_ Shoukkiya Ashraf
AR253 National Jute Board, Min of Textiles Teamhunters Y B N V Siva Gopal
AR256 National Jute Board, Min of Textiles CODE BREAKERS Saurabh Agarwala
Graphic Era Deemed to be University
MK100 Gov of Uttarakhand Codeline Pranav
MK103 Gov of Uttarakhand RUBIX-6 Aditya Pal
MK104 Gov of Uttarakhand TechTroopers A Akshay
MK105 Gov of Uttarakhand RASP Ananya Kosuru
MK106 Gov of Uttarakhand BRANIACS_1.0 Shikha Kumari Pathak
MK91 Gov of Uttarakhand NEW_WORLD_ORDER Atharva Udapure
MK95 Gov of Uttarakhand HASHTAG Pragati Verma
Gujarat Forensic Science University
AJ128 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Tyche Pranjal Doshi
AJ129 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Infinity Gems Balachander S
SK215 National Crime Records Bureau Avocado Ayush Ujjwal
SK216 National Crime Records Bureau Slytherin Gurtej Singh Rehal
SK213 National Crime Records Bureau deVision ANKIT KUMAR NATH
Gujarat Technical University
NM-385 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) sv_gravity Shripad Sudhir Agashe Award 1
NM-378 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) CODE4C@USE Nishit Mistry Award 2
NM-380 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) CODEPLAY Sahil Nirkhe Award 3
NM-401 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) The Scramblers Deep Dhavalbhai Pujara Special prize
NM-374 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Appollo6 Niraj Chandrakant Chaudhari Special prize
NM-405 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Enigmatic Cipherers Deven Joshi Special prize
Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology
PK413 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) Central Crew Anshuman Padhi
PK414 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) Ashwastthama Vithika Jha
MK21 Department of Financial Services while_loop Ritik Kumar
MK23 Department of Financial Services Hex#Clan Shatabdi Singh
PK416 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) dCodersss Abhilasha Nagpal
Institute of Engineering and Technology
BB228 Ministry of Railways Segmentation Fault Zahle Sakir Khan
DN260 Ministry of Tribal Affairs Server_Monks SOHAM
SS134 Directorate of Technical Education Chandigarh Zero_Buggers Vijayaalayan A
SG64 Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Swacchta Prabandh Eshita Mann
JECRC University
AS124 Ministry of Women and Child Development Techno Rubies Pyda
AS33 Ministry of Women and Child Development gitCtrl Chitral
AS34 Ministry of Women and Child Development Byte Optimizers Prithvi Teja M
AS37 Ministry of Women and Child Development Byte_Knights Prottay Basu
AS38 Ministry of Women and Child Development parjanyashesha Bhargavi B A
AS39 Ministry of Women and Child Development Cyber_Punks Mansi
Jeppiaar College of Engineering
DS157 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Cubians Jeevan S M Joint Winners
Sangeeks Shweta Mulik
DS163 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Kyubi Omkar Dilip Dhawal
DS164 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Neurally Efficient Akhil Vaid
DS165 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology OccamsRazor Gaurang Tandon
KL University
BK263 Central Warehousing Corporation Brainiacs101 Rakshit Satija
DB126 Tripura Institute of Technology Utkarsh_2020 Viraj Tandel
PG179 National Mission for Clean Ganga, DoWR, RD & Blink Satyam Kumar
SK153 Central Water Commission, Ministry of Jal Sha The Primes Tejas
SK155 Central Water Commission, Ministry of Jal Sha Hydro Hawks Vishnu Priya
SR272 Department of Information Technology and Bio Technology, Government of Karnataka Startup Force Amit
SS41 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Idea Strommers Rishabh Dhingra
SS42 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ABHYUDAY Harshvardhan Patil
SS43 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare LEGIONNAIRE Aaveg Gupta
SS45 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Eureka99 Vaibhav Mahesh Muchandi
Manipal Institute of Technology
AK209 BEML Limited ARES101 Priya
AK210 BEML Limited Hydraholics Ram Dhiwakar
MU455 Bharat Electronics Limited , Bengaluru Postive Minds 2.0 Akash Kumar
MU456 Bharat Electronics Limited , Bengaluru Think again Shashidhar Reddy Javaji
NH447 NCR Corporation (India) Private Limited CHAKRAVYUH Raghav Magoo
MGM College of Engineering & Technology
BK224 GAIL 404TeamNotFoun d Ashutosh Shashiraj Punyani
BK225 GAIL Block overflow Sai Mahidhar Vanumu
BK226 GAIL Techies team G.Sri Swarna
DA178 CBSE The Checkmate Samiya Khan
DK1 Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Insane Coders Janhavi Zarapkar
PD150 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Dis MIND_OPTIMIZ ERS Akanksha Chandna
New Delhi Institute of Management
PK368 Ministry of Power Rainbow 6 Anurag
LN384 Ministry of Power Pheonix# Pratiksha jain
PK367 Ministry of Power Delenitors Bappaditya Shome Joint Winners
CROSSS Coders Rincy
NOIDA Institute of Engineering & Technology
DA192 All India Institute of Ayurveda - Ministry of We_ASCLEPIUS Prathmesh kalburgi
MS331 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Age of Ultron Sudhir Deshmukh
MS332 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Maverick_Jack Vidhi Kapadia
MS333 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Ciao_Bella Harshit Sakhuja
MS334 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Tech Demons Shivam Sharma
MS335 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh CODE MONK SUBHA I
MS336 Govt. of Madhya Pradesh TechDhronas Shreya Sharma
Oriental College of Technology
RK304 Bureau For Police Research & development Cybotians Pravince Kumar
RK305 Bureau For Police Research & development Sanklp Lakshya Priyadarshi
RK306 Bureau For Police Research & development MedBot Creators Bensam
RK307 Bureau For Police Research & development Cryptonite V. Pratishtha Sharma
RK308 Bureau For Police Research & development SmartCreators Mrinmoy Aus
RK309 Bureau For Police Research & development 404Found Pranav Hegde
Parul University
SG293 Govt.of Sikkim Algorithmic Ruchika S. Chambhare
SG295 Govt.of Sikkim 6_Underground Vishal
SG296 Govt.of Sikkim Status200 Tejas Choudhari
SG297 Govt.of Sikkim Optimize Prime Manacy John
SG434 Govt.of Sikkim Radical Nitu Sharma
SG436 Govt.of Sikkim Everyone Developer Manisha Gupta
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology
BC71 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Fortify Akshita Mehta
BC74 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs InsertACoolName Here Prashant Sengar
BC76 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Cloud-9 Sanskar Shrivastava
BC78 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Team Numero Uno Aditya Parashar
BC79 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs D@taPirates PRATITI
BC77 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Hacking_Bad Anjali Kanvinde
REVA University
AM289 Cisco DEVNET SURGE1 Khalid Shaikh
AN314 Amazon Web Services AMRTrack Harsh Bandhey
AN316 Amazon Web Services Brain_Stormers Devashish Bote
AN317 Amazon Web Services Yoshi Rishabh Jain
AN319 Amazon Web Services H4CK3RS Yash Jaiswal
UP49 GE Healthcare Deep Thugs Hrithik
SAGE University
RK58 Bureau For Police Research & development Satya Akshay Nayak
RK59 Bureau For Police Research & development F-Society Nikhil kumar Gautam
RK61 Bureau For Police Research & development Exceptioner\'s Rohit Kumar
RK62 Bureau For Police Research & development CODE GEAR MEDHAVI
RK60 Bureau For Police Research & development ABHYUDAY_6 Kunal Handore
Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
NS269 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) Technocrates_1 Harsh Raval
NS270 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) TechnoBuilders Saswat Panda
NS275 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) Monks Gaurav Chaudhary
PK409 Govt. of Bihar (DOA) Game_Changers Vishnu Sharma
PR424 Department of Science and Technology CONQUERORS Bommireddipalli
PR430 Department of Science and Technology VoidMinds Vinod Patidar
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
GL32 Great Learning Meraki Saumya Gandhi
PU131 TCI Hackminers Ankit Kumar
SM445 FIS Global Anton 3.0 Siddharth Singha Roy
SM446 FIS Global Bored_Coders Vikrant
BN147 Autodesk AEROBEAST Sudhanshu
Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering
MK199 Ministry of Rural Development Incognito _iNu Janani
MK200 Ministry of Rural Development pinakulo Akshat
MK204 Ministry of Rural Development Codifire Megha
MK202 Ministry of Rural Development ZERO-BUG PRANAV VERMA
BK169 Ministry of Food Processing Industries Maargadarshak Mandal Jerish
Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Management & Gramothan
AS118 Ministry of Women and Child Development arbitrary Nidhi Singh
AS119 Ministry of Women and Child Development TeamRocket Abhishek Chopra
AS120 Ministry of Women and Child Development WHITEHILL_PPL Yashashree Vinod Mahajan
AS121 Ministry of Women and Child Development SHAKTIMAAN SHRADDHA PANDEY
AS122 Ministry of Women and Child Development CODEMAGICIA NS ARYAN MAURYA
AS123 Ministry of Women and Child Development BRAINSTORME RS_PEC TANISA.T
Techno India University
DS170 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology TechStack Nimisha Mittal
DS171 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Bitwise Chaitya
DS90 Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Agastya Palak Chandak
SB109 Ministry of Agriculture Cooperation and Farme GoAgro Manimoliselvan Joint Winners
AGRO-TECH Harshwardhan Dhote
Vardhman College of engineering
KB196 Government of Andhra Pradesh Bitloaders Sudarshan Vijay Chavan
KB198 Government of Andhra Pradesh TECH KINGS Suwathi
KB219 Government of Andhra Pradesh CODE_WINNERS Aarzoo chawla
KB220 Government of Andhra Pradesh TECHNOspired Saloni Vinod Mishra
KB222 Government of Andhra Pradesh HOPE BRIGADE Sudarshan Sundararajan
Vel Tech
DK180 Govt of Puducherry SPARX Khushboo Chandnani
DK181 Govt of Puducherry The Bit Dragsters Aman Gupta
DK182 Govt of Puducherry VOYAGER_1 Hitendra Singh
DR112 Govt of Goa EnigmaD Shubhra Rao Kuthyar
DR135 Govt of Goa WhatsInAName Pulkit Mishra
Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research (WeSchool)
AG343 MathWorks Vibhav Shikhar suman
CB31 Mixorg IvLabs Himanshu Patil
RA24 CDK Global Degree° Navin S
RA25 CDK Global ARIS Gowtham G
RA26 CDK Global BInary Mansee Agrawal
RA27 CDK Global Binaries Rushikesh Pupale
Vellore Institute of Technology
SM321 Adani Port and SEZ Ltd Ezerka Manogna Rayasam Joint Winners
scifidevs Gurmeet Singh
SS443 VMware Software India Pvt.Ltd. V-Sustainers Sumith
DM84 Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal S Zero++ Hrishikesh Mahajan
DM83 Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal S Belisama Abhyansh Agrahari
Problem Statement ID Organization Winning Team Leader Name Position
G H Raisoni College Of Engineering, Nagpur
IC463 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) Run time_Terror Reuben George Mathew 1
IC460 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) The Trojan Hex Manaswini 2
IC463 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) Tech Monks Gaurav 3
GIET University
IC468 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) ERROR-404_ABES Mayankesh Mishra 1
IC469 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) Competent developers Vishal Shivakumar Kanakamamidi 2
IC469 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) Mech Medicos Saravana kumar M 3
IC474 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) The Pack Rishav Sharma 1
IC470 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) EcoEden Pritthijit Nath 2
IC464 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) Sixth Sense Aman kumar 3
Samrat Ashok Institute of Technology
IC467 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) Cerebro Paras 1
IC462 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) the_big_bug_theory Ankit Bhadu 2
IC465 AICTE-MIC (Student Innovation) ALPHA ! Abhishek Jain 3
*** The problem statements not appearing here have been dropped from the competition